Course presentations
All graduate students are required to deliver a 15-min talk (10 min presentation + 5 min questions) on one of the following topics (secure yours before others do). You may suggest a topic outside of the pool too. Undergraduate students are encouraged to participate too with bonus 5 points towards the final score.
Topic pools
The topics are given by key words only. Please practice your ability of “educated” searches with google.
- Software key words: stan, bugs & jags, hadoop, spark, tensorflow, Scikit-Learn, Blas & Lapack
- Stastician key words: Harold Hotelling, Joseph Leo Doob, Bradley Efron, Abraham Wald, William Cochran, Sheldon M. Ross, Emile Borel, R. A. Fisher
- Research areas: Bayesian Statistics, Approximate Bayesian Computation, Sequential Monte Carlo method, Variational Bayes, Spatial statistics, Large language models from machine learning
- Method key words: Gradient descent algorithm, Fast Fourier transform algorithm, Expectation-maximization algorithm, Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, Markov-chain Monte Carlo, Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, Hidden Markov Models, Genome-wide Association Studies,
- Parallel computing: OpenCL, Cuda, SIMD (SSE + AVX)
- Other: COPSS Presidents’ Award, International Prize in Statistics